Colombia’s diversity is all but limited to its landscapes, ecosystems and natural resources. The identities and cultural expressions the country holds make it a vibrant multicultural nation. The contrast between colonial architecture and modern cities feels like traveling through time, traditional fairs and festivals transport us to the heart of Colombian identity, and music lets us enjoy the country to the sound of mythical and iconic rhythms.
Colombia, the second most biodiverse country in the world
Colombia is located on the northwestern corner of South America. It is one of 21 countries in the world privileged enough to enjoy two oceans (Atlantic and Pacific) and because it is in the tropics, there are no seasons. Colombia has six natural regions, 311 ecosystems, 6 snowy peaks, 3 mountain ranges, and climates ranging from the cold of the mountains to the heat of beaches. Colombia shares borders with Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil, and has maritime borders with Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The Colombian territory is divided into a flat region to the east, and the Andes mountain ranges to the west, which is one of the most extensive mountain ranges in the world and runs through other Latin American countries. All of this makes Colombia a country of incredible natural wealth and a must-see tourist destination for those seeking beauty, adventure and biodiversity.
total area: 2,070,408 km2
land area: 1,141,748km2
martime area: 928,660 km2
Colombia is a country without seasons, but that doesn’t mean it’s static. Some months are rainy and there are extremely hot regions while others are constantly cold. This variety of climates is due to the five thermal floors found in the country (warm, mild, cold, moor, and glacial), which means that the temperature of the territory varies according to the height above sea level.
Population: 48.2 million inhabitants (DANE, 2019)
Official language: spanish
Other languages: 68 NATIVE LANGUAGES
National tree: wax palm
National bird: ANDEAN CONDOR
National flower: ORCHID
Currency: coLOMBIAN PESO (COP)
Country code: +57
National heritage sites: 1,102 throughout the country
World cultural or natural heritage sites: 8
Intangible cultural heritage: 9
-5 hours throughout the year across the territory (UTC-5)